Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New year has begun

Now I am not one to do the whole big New Years thing of promising to be a better person, diet, be more organized & so on.  Why?  Cause I know that I am not going to do anything I said I was, that's why! 

It's not because I am lazy or anything I just find that making these sort of promises always come back to bit me.  Years ago I vowed to lose weight, even bought a stupid scale & weighed everything....Gained 5 pounds!  Scale, book & all went into the trash.  Decided to quit smoking, well that went over well...the stress of it made me smoke more! 

Somethings I was able to do like save money, which I do anyway so that was an easy one to do.  Now I can't save a lot of money, but I do it so I have to work hard to get to it.  I opened a ING account years ago & ever so often if I have a bit in the checking account I know I won't miss I send it in.  Easy yes, but getting it out means getting on the computer with all the account numbers, codes & so on, make it hard when you forget where you put the codes... which I did when we moved here 3 years ago.  Thank goodness after years of hunting I found the codes now that we need the car fixed to pass inspection at the end of January!

Somethings I find stupid to promise, as being more helpful to family & friends....I try to do that already.....being more patient....trying to do that anyway,,,though lordy some days its hard to hold the tongue!

I have noticed that age has mellowed me more than I ever thought possible.  I used to be very high strung, blew up at the littlest thing & put a lot of stress on myself.  Now its like it all flies over my head.  No money, no problem, I learned to stock up on items when I have the money so we never go without good food.  No heat, wear more sweaters & warm socks, no electricity, out come the oil lamps & go to bed early.  It all seems so simply now whereas when I was younger I thought the world was ending.

I am thankful that when we do have the electricity off from a storm that we have a propane stove so that I can cook on it or the wood stove. Though we could do fine without either since I am well stocked with canned foods....may be eating them cold but Hey its food & that's all that I have no problems drinking cold coffee!

Thomas has been out of work since the beginning of April, thank goodness for unemployment & the Army Reserves we can scrap by until he goes to Afganistan in Feb/March.  Its been a challenge at times but for me its actually been good.  I have always been one who can ride the tough times, figuring out what needs to be done & what can be put aside until later.  For me the tough times are the good times cause I prove that I can make it through it & be a better person when its over.  I also take on as much of it as I can so my husband doesn't have to worry about what is going on.  Yes I leave him in the dark about a lot of things because he can't fix or change it so why make him worry over something that is out of his hands.

I am trying to prepare myself for another year without Thomas, the last time he was gone 15 months (Iraq) & I dealt with everything fairly well.  Yes, I had my moments when I was  tired of dealing with things, but after a good night of sleep I was fine the next day.  This time I know that I will do fine with whatever comes my way while he is gone.  Plus I have animals that need my attention & care & that will always get me through the hard times.  I am not one to do the "What ifs".  It is what it is & I try to handle it with the least amount of stress as I can.

The weather up here in Massachusetts has been weird, today its in the low 40's & for January that is very odd.  My chickens have been hanging out in the coop since the snow on Dec 26th & are starting to act sluggish.  Today the run has very little snow so I was able to get them all out & everyone one of them was in slow motion.  Its like they are super tired plus they haven't been eating much for some reason.  I guess if you are sleeping most of the time you are not eating.  So I took out 2 cans of Veg-all, lettuce & fed mixed with vits & ground sunflower seeds for them.  They weren't too interested in the fed, but when I brought out the Veg-all, thy dove into it so, I guess they needed the vegetables. I was also able to finally get the kids in the basement coop to go outside in their run today....I had to hand carry them out but they finally are outside & getting some fresh air.  I even heard Pippi La'Roo out there crowing so I know he is at least still hanging out there.

I hope that all that read this have a wonderful peaceful & loving 2011 & that each of you have all that you need & want for the coming year.

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